Defending the Caveman - Relationship Fun Facts

Did you know...?

  • Forty million Americans use online dating services; that's about 40 percent of our entire U.S. single-people population!

  • Men take only 15 minutes to decide if a woman is worth a second date. For women, it takes a little longer - they ponder whether to get together again for an hour or so.

  • Forty percent of women would consider dumping a boyfriend if her friends didn't like him.

  • Fifty-eight percent of men would rather their partner surprise them with a gift than ask what they would like.

  • According to Guinness, Percy and Florence Arrowsmith hold the record for the longest lasting marriage. The marriage lasted 80 years until his death on June 15, 2005. Mr. Arrowsmith said the secret to his long-lasting marriage was learning how to say, "Yes, dear."

For more relationship fun facts you can visit "" and don't forget to come see the show at the Omaha Community Playhouse July 7th - August 1st!

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