Omaha Community Playhouse's 21 & Over program presents Passion Play.
Monday, June 18, 2012
7:30 p.m.
Omaha Community Playhouse
Free and open to the public, with an opportunity for donations. No tickets or reservations are necessary.
Passion Play by Sarah Ruhl
From the author of last season’s hit, The Vibrator Play, comes this provocative epic masterpiece of the intersection of belief and the make-believe. A poetic and quirky triptych, Passion Play follows three sets of amateur performers in three different eras as they grapple with the unsettling ways in which the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection becomes a living presence in their own lives. With a dynamic storyline that leaps through time to portray characters like Queen Elizabeth, Hitler and Ronald Reagan, Passion Play is filled with playful and profound moments that will challenge your ideas about religion, politics and the inherent conflicts of human nature.The 21 & Over productions are intended for a mature audience and discretion is advised. For more information on 21 & Over and other OCP alternative programs, contact Amy Lane, Resident Director, at alane@omahaplayhouse.com or (402) 553-4890, ext. 164.
21 & Over is sponsored by Omaha Steaks and the Mammel Foundation and media sponsored by Omahype.
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