Back by popular demand, Omaha Community Playhouse's
21 & Over program is pleased to present Live Broadway Karaoke.
Monday, Jan. 9, 2012
7:30 p.m.
Omaha Community Playhouse
Scott Lobby
Free and open to the public, with an opportunity for donations. No tickets or reservations are necessary.
Check out clips of some of last year's performers
We’ve got a piano, an accompanist and a microphone. You’ve got a burning desire to perform at the Playhouse. This is the night when all your Broadway dreams will come true…
The remainder of the 21 & Over schedule for the 2011-12 season is as follows:
February 20, 2012:
The Encyclopedia Show (special guest artists)
March 12, 2012:
Circle Mirror Transformation by Annie Baker
May 7, 2012:
The Candy Project (special guest artists)
June 18, 2012:
Passion Play by Sarah Ruhl
The 21 & Over productions are intended for a mature audience and discretion is advised. For more information on 21 & Over and other OCP alternative programs, contact Amy Lane, Resident Director, at alane@omahaplayhouse.com or (402) 553-4890, ext. 164.
21 & Over is sponsored by
Omaha Steaks and the Mammel Foundation and media sponsored by