Omaha Community Playhouse's 21 & Over program presents Tigers Be Still.
Monday, February 17, 2014
7:30 p.m.
Omaha Community Playhouse
Free and open to the public, with an opportunity for donations. No tickets or reservations are necessary.
Tigers Be Still, by Kim Rosenstock
Poor Sherry Wickman has tried to do everything right: she's gotten a master's degree in Art Therapy; she's put out countless resumes; she's tried to be independent. Unemployed and overwhelmed, she returns to her childhood home when a job fails to materialize. Joined by a mother who refuses to leave her room and a sister who refuses to get off the couch, Sherry's life has certainly hit an all-time low. Now, if only the high school principal would put down his rifle long enough to hire her, her sister would return the Chihuahua she's dognapped and someone would catch the tiger that's escaped from the zoo, things would be perfect. A delightful comedy about misadventures in pursuit of happiness.The 21 & Over productions are intended for a mature audience and discretion is advised. For more information on 21 & Over and other OCP alternative programs, contact Amy Lane, Resident Director, at alane@omahaplayhouse.com or (402) 553-4890, ext. 164.
21 & Over is sponsored by Omaha Steaks and media sponsored by Omahype.
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